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My Works

William Cameron Menzies: The Shape of Films to Come

The story of the man who brought the values of illustration to the screen.

Spencer Tracy: A Biography

Now available in softcover!

W. C. Fields

This biography of the legendary comedian reveals the man behind the myth, showing the passion and intellect that fueled his creative drive, and the broken family that gave such a bitter edge to his comedy.

James Whale: A New World of Gods and Monsters

A thorough re-working and expansion of the groundbreaking 1982 biography that inspired Christopher Bram's "Father of Frankenstein."

Between Flops: A Biography of Preston Sturges

The first major biography of the great humorist, who wrote and directed some of the best comedies of the sound era, including "Sullivan's Travels", "The Lady Eve", and "Unfaithfully Yours".

Featured Player

The oral autobiography of actress Mae Clarke. Edited with an introduction by James Curtis.

The Creative Producer

The autobiography of producer David Lewis. Edited with an introduction by James Curtis.

September Song: A Biography of Walter Huston

The authorized biography of actor Walter Huston, begun by John Weld in 1937 and finally completed in 1998. Edited by James Curtis.

James Whale's "The Old Dark House"

The digitally-restored version, originally produced for laserdisc from an archival print, with commentaries from Gloria Stuart and James Curtis.